Our Services
We are a boutique law firm specialising in residential conveyancing, including purchase and sale transactions, “off the plan” transactions and related parties transactions.
Shelley Racine is the principal of Racine Law Pty Ltd (formerly Shelley Racine & Associates) and is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria and Property Exchange Australia Ltd.
“This firm holds professional indemnity insurance”.

Owner Builder Information
If you are selling a property on which works have been carried out by you as an Owner Builder you are required to provide additional information in the sale documents before an offer can be accepted. Read More

Off-the-Plan Purchase Transactions
Off the Plan purchase contracts are much more complex than the standard purchase contract and require dedicated attention following registration of the Plan of Subdivision given the short timeframe for settlement contained in most off-the-plan purchase contracts. Read More

Additional Federal and State taxes that may affect you
You might be surprised who is considered to be a ‘foreign’ purchaser. You might also be surprised as a vendor to find that you are subject to a 12.5% foreign resident capital gains tax withholding scheme.Read More